I’m a versatile full-stack developer who combines technical expertise with clear communication to build scalable, high-performance solutions. I excel in leading complex web projects, optimizing cloud infrastructure, and delivering secure, user-focused digital experiences that drive business growth.
I'm a a versatile
full-stack developer
front-end designer
digital dreamer who combines technical expertise with clear communication to build scalable, high-performance solutions. I excel in leading complex web projects, optimizing cloud infrastructure, and delivering secure, user-focused digital experiences that drive business growth.
My Skills
I am proficient in HTML, CSS/SCSS, JavaScript (React, jQuery), PHP, SQL, AWS, Docker, and
CI/CD pipelines. More importantly, I bring a methodical, hands-on approach to every challenge,
ensuring that each solution is crafted with precision and reliability.
I focus on delivering engaging products by designing beautiful and functional user interfaces that promote positive interactions and meaningful experiences. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated a commitment to developing secure, scalable, and beautiful
high-performance applications.
Beyond my professional expertise, my passion for restoration and repair informs my
problem-solving methodologies. Whether I am restoring vintage electronics with fine soldering
work or welding and troubleshooting mechanical issues in classic cars, I thrive in identifying
inefficiencies, reverse-engineering complex systems, and optimizing functionality.
Online Personal Training/Fitness Coaching Folsom Fitness is an online Fitness Coaching Platform owned by Marie Folsom. Marie is dedicated to helping her clients achieve their fitness goals
A timeshare rental/exchange company Luxury Vacation Solutions inc. is a timeshare rental company dedicated to offering innovative solutions to vacation owners through its experience in